英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 17:25:13
  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. make free from confusion or ambiguity
make clear

e.g. Could you clarify these remarks?
Clear up the question of who is at fault

Synonym: clearclear upcrystallizecrystallisecrystalizecrystalisestraighten outsort outenlightenilluminateelucidate

1. 阐明,使...被充分理解:settle down定居,过安定的生活 | shed light on阐明,使...被充分理解 | show in领入

2. 进一步提供事实(作新的阐述):1:set the tone for确定----的基调 | 2:shed light on进一步提供事实(作新的阐述) | 3:keep the unemployment situation under control控制失业(状况)

3. 阐明:isostatic 均衡的 | shed light on 阐明 | viscous 粘稠的

4. shed light on什么意思

4. 使某事清楚:Rear-end:追尾 | Shed light on:使某事清楚 | Overrun:蹂躏,侵占

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Advanced brain imaging techniques might also shed light on these circuits, Kasper added.(Kasper补充说,先进的大脑成像技术可能可以解释大脑回路的秘密。)
When the scientists shed light on the electrode, the pigment in the solution generated electricity.(当这些科学家们用光照射电极时,液体溶液中的蝶呤素开始发电。)
However, the report also shed light on some grim realities of begging.(然而,这项调查也揭示了一些乞讨行为中严酷的现实。)
The tweeting mouse, created by triggering mutations, could help shed light on how language evolved.(这只老鼠是通过基因诱变“制造”出来的,它会象鸟儿一样啁啾鸣叫。专家说这个结果可能会帮我们弄清语言的进化过程。)
The study's most striking findings shed light on the racial biases permeating the professional world.(这项研究最引人注目的发现揭示了在职场中普遍存在的种族偏见。)
Understanding the mechanics of humor may shed light on what goes wrong in those cases.(了解幽默的“规则”有望帮助探寻在上述的情况中所出现了那些不好的苗头。)
These discoveries may shed light on the origins of the universe.(这些发现会有助于理解宇宙的起源。)
It was dark, but in a good sense — in the sense that it shed light on human nature and our human social element.(影片挺黑暗的,但立意很好,清晰地揭示了人的本性和人类的社交元素。)
The researchers believe that the results shed light on why many men find curvy women more.(研究人员认为,该结果能够解释为什么很多男性认为身体曲线突出的女性更具吸引力。)
The research may also shed light on the genetic underpinnings of human disease.(这项研究也可能揭示人类疾病的遗传学基础。)
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